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Applications open for Waikato Regional Council’s 2024 Small Scale Community Initiatives Fund

Published: 14/05/2024

Volunteer community groups and landowners in the Waikato region are invited to apply to a fund that supports pest animal and pest plant control.

Applications have opened for the 2024 Small Scale Community Initiatives Fund, which is administered by Waikato Regional Council. The deadline for applications is 3pm on 31 May.

“The fund promotes pest animal and plant control for projects in the Waikato region that are working towards achieving biodiversity outcomes,” said Patrick Whaley, Manager – Biosecurity and Biodiversity.

“It’s about providing support to volunteer community groups or individual landowners, enabling them to continue their mahi protecting our native species.”

Applicants can apply for up to $5000 for a project. The total funding pool is about $150,000 each year, which is funded through rates.

“The fund is primarily for the purchase of materials such as traps, lures and herbicides, which can all be used to protect our natives whether that’s trees in a patch of forest, a unique species or a precious wetland.

“Professional contracted services up to $1000—such as the services of a qualified herbicide applicator or controlled substance licence holder—can also be funded.”

The fund is assessed by a panel skilled in the area of pest control and ecological restoration according to how well applications meet a list of criteria. For the next few years, priority will be given to landscape scale projects which can be achieved through small groups or individuals linking up with larger projects or other small projects.

“If people and groups are aware of what others are doing in the animal and pest plant control space in their communities, and work together rather than in isolation, they are more likely to be successful.” 

Full details of the Small Scale Community Initiatives Fund are on the website: