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Our Taupō office is closed Friday, 17 January and will reopen on Monday, 20 January 2025. To report air or water pollution, unsafe water activities in or on a river, lake or harbour, or make a general enquiry or information request during this time, we can be contacted 24/7 on 0800 800 401.

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Each year Waikato Regional Council spends more than $130 million procuring goods, services, and equipment.

It is of the utmost importance when committing or spending public funds, that goods and services are procured in an efficient, ethical and transparent manner to achieve best public value.

Our procurement policy and processes aim to achieve best public value and promote broader environmental, social, cultural and economic outcomes.

Procurement policy, principles and values

Our procurements are underpinned by Government procurement principles and Waikato Regional Council's values.

Procurement principles

  • Plan and manage for great results.
  • Be fair to all suppliers.
  • Get the right supplier.
  • Get the best deal for everyone.
  • Play by the rules.

Council values

  • Responsible | Kia tika – doing the right thing – for people and place.
  • Respectful | Kia tau – acting with respect – toward all.
  • Effective | Kia toa – making a difference – reach for results

Related documents

Buying goods and services

We have two primary methods of buying goods and services – purchase orders or services contracts, and purchasing cards (P-cards). Occasionally staff may use petty cash.

Unless specific arrangements have been made, and confirmed in writing, payment to suppliers will only be made if one of these methods has been used.

Purchase orders and service contracts

A purchase order or service contract is used to authorise the procurement of goods or services with a unique identifying number. The purchase order or service contract number should be quoted on all correspondence regarding those goods or services, including the invoice.

A purchase order or service contract is also used for goods or services procurement that fall under individually negotiated contracts or agreements. These purchase orders or service contracts will be valid for a specific period, or until the agreed dollar value is reached, and will be related to a formal contract.

If a formal written contract is in place, the terms and conditions of that contract will take precedence over the purchase order terms and conditions. However, the purchase order number should always be quoted.

Any invoices which do not quote a purchase order or a service contract number, or do not match the purchase order or agreed contract payment, value, quantity or detail, may not be authorised for payment and may be returned to the supplier for correction.

Our purchase order terms and conditions for goods and services are available below for you to read.

Purchasing card (P-card)

A P-card is issued to staff who have a need for buying low value goods or services. It is used in the same way as any other credit card, except it must only be used for the purchase of goods and services for Waikato Regional Council.

Generally, P-cards will be used to purchase low value items from suppliers who are not likely to be used frequently. Typically, these purchases are for less than $500, but may be up to $2000.

Working with us

We use the GETS (Government Electronic Tender Services) platform to advertise all major council projects. GETS is a free service designed to promote open and fair competition. Using an online portal also speeds up the tendering cycle and reduces the time and cost for us and our suppliers.

To use GETS, suppliers must register online using a RealMe (Government online identification) log in. Registration is free and can be used to access several protected Government sites, such as IRD.

As a registered supplier, you can receive email notifications of any new tenders we publish. When you identify a project you want to tender for, read the information carefully. The tender documents will provide all the information you need about the contract and how to respond. If you have questions about a particular project, or just need something clarified, you can do this through the GETS listing.

Details about upcoming procurement opportunities will be updated here as well.

Future procurement opportunities

Title Overview Status Indicative total value Indicative contract term Indicative release date
Fish Passage Pump Island Block PS Upgrade (Site 3) Pump station construction Approved $4,000,000 TBC May-24
Fish Passage Pump Rangiriri North PS Upgrade (Site 4) Pump station construction Initial planning $5,000,000 TBC Jun-24
Pump Station Pipes Outlet Johnstones PS Upgrade (Site 5) Pipes outlet Initial planning $195,000 TBC Mar-24
Alexander & Stocks PS Electrical Upgrade PS electrical upgrade Initial planning  $742,000 12 months TBC
Mangatawhiri Compartment 3 Inlet Upgrade Inlet upgrade Initial planning 12-24 months Sep-23
Tuakau Pump station Pipe replacement and inlet Upgrades Approved  $331,500 12-24 months Sep-23
Lower Waikato Stopbanks Upgrade Stopbanks upgrade Initial planning $800,000 TBC TBC
Priority possum control areas (PPCA) Southern Sector 4 PPCA areas Initial planning


Emerging technology PoC Will have 2 Proof on concepts in 23/24 Initial planning $100,000 1 year TBD
Geospatial Managed Services Procurement to undertake some basic geospatial administrative tasks Initial Planning $180,000 Multi year TBD Sep-23