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Our Taupō office is closed Friday, 17 January and will reopen on Monday, 20 January 2025. To report air or water pollution, unsafe water activities in or on a river, lake or harbour, or make a general enquiry or information request during this time, we can be contacted 24/7 on 0800 800 401.

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  • What's happening?

    We received a total of around $29 million in grant funding for multiple environmental restoration, biosecurity and climate resilience projects totalling about $48 million across the Waikato region.

    • We secured $5.5 million in grants for four environmental restoration projects totalling about $6.57 million. These projects are part of the Government’s $1.245 billion Jobs for Nature programme which manages funding across multiple government agencies to benefit the environment, people and the regions.

    • We secured $3.5 million in Government One Billion Trees funding from Te Uru Rākau, MPI, for three planting projects totalling about $7.2 million. Two of the projects are in partnership with iwi. Te Uru Rākau is focused on supporting the planting of exotic and indigenous forests, sustainable forestry management, programmes like the Emissions Trading Scheme and forestry grants. These projects are also part of the Government’s Jobs for Nature programme.

    • We secured $16 million for climate resilience flood protection infrastructure projects totalling $24.85 million. Our flood protection schemes safeguard 3000km2 of high value food-producing land, and protect services and infrastructure such as water supply, power, telecommunications, and road and rail networks. Improving flood protection is a critical first step in climate change adaptation action.

    • We secured $1.31 million from MPI for nine wilding pine control projects in the Coromandel Peninsula and Taupō area.

    • All the projects were based on work we were already doing or had in mind following discussions with iwi and stakeholders. Further engagement is being done for some of the projects as they progress.


Find out more about the projects we received funding for by selecting a project profile, below. 


Wilding Pines tile

Wilding pines (completed)

Piako River green corridor tile

Piako River green corridor

Upper Waiomou habitat enhancement tile

Upper Waiomou Stream (COMPLETED)

Lake Kimihia restoration tile

Lake Kimihia restoration (Completed)

Ngāti Haua Mahi Trust Partnership for the Karāpiro and Mangaonua Catchments tile

Karāpiro and Mangaonua Catchments (COMPLETED)

Manaia River restoration tile

Manaia River restoration (COMPLETED)

Clean streams tile

Clean Streams 2020 (completed)

FIsh passage tile

Fish passage pumps (completed)

Piako River mouth right stopbank asset rationalisation tile

Piako River mouth, right bank asset rationalisation

Piako River, Ngātea town left stopbank tile

Piako River, Ngātea town left stopbank (COMPLETED)

Firth of Thames foreshore east and west stopbanks tile

Firth of Thames foreshore east and west stopbanks

Mill Road pump stations upgrade tile

Mill Road pump stations upgrade (completed)

Ngā Wai o Waikato tile

Ngā Wai o Waikato (completed)

Replacement vessel construction tile

replacement vessel construction