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Our Taupō office is closed Friday, 17 January and will reopen on Monday, 20 January 2025. To report air or water pollution, unsafe water activities in or on a river, lake or harbour, or make a general enquiry or information request during this time, we can be contacted 24/7 on 0800 800 401.

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Funded: $1.998m by One Billion Trees, Te Uru Rākau, MPI
Total project cost: $4.38m
Project duration: 3 years
New jobs expected over project life: 12-16 FTE

Clean Streams 2020 enabled eligible landowners who permanently retired a stream, wetland or seep from grazing, have that retired area planted in appropriate native plants at no cost to them, subject to conditions and funding availability.

Clean Streams has used, where possible, community-based service providers to grow the plants and plant them. The council’s role was to confirm suitability of sites and audit all completed work for required weed control, fencing and planting standards.

All planting has now been completed, but work continues to maintain the new plantings, such as hand releasing them from weeds. The project will be completed in April 2024.

Key activities:

  • Retiring 52ha of land.
  • Planting 363,273 native plants.
  • Planting out 72km of waterways.
  • Employment of local and iwi/community-based nursery and planting, fencing and pest plant contractors.

Environmental benefits:

  • Protection and enhancement of water quality through reductions in nutrients and sediment.
  • Enhanced wetland and biodiversity value.

Work completed:

  • 368,574 mixed native plants planted across 30 sites.
  • A total of 132ha of land retired.
  • A total of 50.8km of fencing.
Pūnui River Care had a contract for 80,000 plants as part of Clean Streams 2020.
Pūnui River Care had a contract for 80,000 plants as part of Clean Streams 2020.
Pūnui River Care had a contract for 80,000 plants as part of Clean Streams 2020.
Pūnui River Care had a contract for 80,000 plants as part of Clean Streams 2020.
Pūnui River Care had a contract for 80,000 plants as part of Clean Streams 2020.
Pūnui River Care had a contract for 80,000 plants as part of Clean Streams 2020.
Pūnui River Care had a contract for 80,000 plants as part of Clean Streams 2020.
[1/7] Pūnui River Care had a contract for 80,000 plants as part of Clean Streams 2020.