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Air quality strategy

Waikato Regional Council (the council) developed the air quality strategy to determine the way forward for addressing air quality in the Waikato region, with particular emphasis on PM10.

PM10 has a wide range of negative effects on human health and these are well established across a range of research disciplines. PM10 is emitted from a wide range of diffuse sources, including domestic fires (the primary contributor within the Waikato region), vehicle emissions, outdoor burning and industrial activities. 

Read the strategy

Poor air quality has a negative impact on public health (including restricted activity days and premature death in some individuals). As a consequence, there are associated social and economic impacts, and the costs of these are borne by individuals as well as at local,  regional and national levels.

The goal for this strategy is that all gazetted airsheds within the Waikato region comply with the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality (NESAQ). The NESAQ has set exceedance levels and timeframes for non-complying airsheds to become compliant. The council also has policy objectives regarding the management of air quality in the Waikato Regional Policy Statement.

You can read or download the strategy below.