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In December 2023, the new National-led coalition government amended the statutory timeframe for notification of the Freshwater Policy Review from December 2024 to December 2027. The Government also indicated that there will be changes to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM), including rebalancing the hierarchy of obligations in Te Mana o te Wai. These changes are expected to be enacted in 2025.

With this in mind, council have made the decision to extend the Freshwater Policy Review and to proceed with a refreshed and targeted approach. This approach will be tailored to the needs of the Waikato region by focusing on the issues of the region and solutions developed in conjunction with those most impacted by the issues. Opportunities for tangata whenua, communities and industry to participate and provide input will be provided throughout the review process.

The revised freshwater aspects in our Waikato Regional Policy Statement and Waikato Regional Plan are anticipated to be notified by December 2027 to meet our statutory obligations.


How we manage our environment so our freshwater bodies are healthy is the focus of our Freshwater Policy Review. This policy review is just one of the requirements under central government’s Essential Freshwater package, which is about stopping further degradation of New Zealand’s fresh water and improving its quality and ecosystem health.

Over the next two years, we’ll be making changes to our Waikato Regional Policy Statement (RPS) and Waikato Regional Plan to bring them into line with this direction. To do this, we’ll be seeking input from tangata whenua, farmers, industry, rural professionals and the general public to identify and understand their issues, values and aspirations for fresh water, and to determine how we’ll measure our progress.

The views and feedback shared with us will help to inform changes to the RPS and the development of a new regional plan. It’s a massive task but by working together we will ensure our waterways can be used and enjoyed for generations to come, making our Waikato even better 

  • FAQs on the Freshwater Policy Review

Our approach

For the Freshwater Policy Review we will be implementing the National Objectives Framework (NOF) to enable us to connect the freshwater values of tangata whenua and communities with potential solutions to realise these values. This will support revisions to the RPS and regional plan that align with tangata whenua and communities values, giving effect to Te Mana o te Wai and the NPS-FM.

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