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Part D

Coffin A 2016. Barriers to the Development of Maori Freehold Land. Prepared for the Maori land subgroup. Provided to CSG at workshop 25 4-5 April 2016 Document 3751561  [PDF, 346 KB]
Coffin A 2016. Policy for Māori freehold land and Treaty settlement lands Section 32- social cultural and environmental costs and benefits. Document 8723821
Collaborative Stakeholder Group 15 Workshop notes 26-27 August 2015. Document 3490222
Collaborative Stakeholder Group 18 workshop notes 13-14 October 2015. Document 3577749
CSG 2016. Restoring and protecting our water- Te whakapaipai me te tiaki. Overview of CSGs recommendations for Waikato Regionl Plan Change 1 Waikato & Waipa catchments Document 3351821
Maniapoto Māori Trust Board 2014. Maniapoto. Presentation to Collaborative Stakeholder Group workshop 4 from Maniapoto Trust Board. Document 3102443
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2011. Maori agribusiness in New Zealand- A study of the Maori freehold land resource. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Wellington New Zealand [PDF, 4.9 MB]
Ngāti Tahu-Ngāti Whaoa Rūnanga Trust 2014. Ngāti Tahu-Ngāti Whaoa. Presentation to Collaborative Stakeholder Group workshop 7 from Ngati Tahu-Ngati Whaoa. Document 3208543
Raukawa Charitable Trust 2014. Wai are limits needed. Presentation to Collaborative Stakeholder Group workshop 3 from Ruakawa Charitble Trust. Document 3081138
River iwi 2015. Key messages from River iwi engagement. Presentation to Collaborative Stakeholder Group workshop 19 from River iwi partners. Document 3629218
River iwi 2015. Outcome statement and principles for implementing Te Ture Whaimana - the Vision and Strategy for the Waikato and Waipa Rivers. CSG workshop 14 10-11 Aug 2015 Doc 3483800
River Iwi 2016. Provision for the development of Maori Land within the framework of Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato and Healthy Rivers Plan for Change Wai Ora He Rautaki Whakapai
Te Puni Kokiri 2014. Maori Economy in the Waikato Region. Te Puni Kokiri Wellington New Zealand
Technical Leadership Group and Waikato Regional Council 2016. Whangamarino Wetland. Outline for Collaborative Stakeholder Group Discussion. Document 3697755
Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board. Mahi Rangatira Ki Te Iwi- presentation to Collaborative Stakeholder Group workshop 12 from Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board. Document 3427593
Waikato Regional Council 2015. Applying the Vision and Strategy to setting scenarios for the rivers. Notes from hui in March and April 2015. Document 3394090
Waikato Regional Council 2015. Framing the steps to achieve the Vision and Strategy. Report to the CSG for agreement and Approval datede 25-9-2015. Document 3538762
Waikato Regional Council 2015. Intensive engagement period 1 Feedback report. Prepared for the Collaborative Stakeholders Group. Document 3410308
Waikato Regional Council 2015. Setting water body targets and limits. Report to the CSG for agreement and approval dated 18-12-2015. Document 3626243
Waikato Regional Council 2015. Values and Uses for the Waikato and Waipa Rivers. Document 3166221.
Waikato Regional Council 2016. CSG Focus Session 260216 - Recommendation powerpoint. Document 3709787
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Integrated Catchment Management Directorate Presentation to Healthy Rivers Wai Ora CSG dated 19-2-2016. Document 3645067
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Report to CSG 2-3 March to be tabled on the day - inserts to policy mix recommendations report. Document 3710575
Waikato-Tainui 2014. Waikato-Tainui. Presentation to Collaborative Stakeholder Group workshop 6 from Waikato-Tainui. Document 3168019
Wildlands 2012. Ecological Impacts of the Flood Control Scheme on Lake Waikare and the Whangamarino Wetland and Potential Mitigation Option. Document 3154305
Wildlands 2012. Impacts of Flood Control Scheme on Waikare and Whangamarino. Presentation to Waikato MOA meeting dated 18 January 2012. Document 2117907
WRC 2015. Re-crafted Steps to achieve the Vision and Strategy over time. Report to the CSG for agreement and approval dated 9-10-2015 for CSG worksop 18 13-14 Oct 2015 Document 3572646