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Part E7

Coffin A 2016. Barriers to the Development of Maori Freehold Land. Prepared for the Maori land sub-group. Provided to CSG at workshop 25 4-5 April 2016. Document 3751561
Coffin A 2016. Policy for Maori freehold land and Treaty Settlement lands. Section 32- social cultural and environmental costs and benefits. Document 8723821
Doole G 2016. Simulation of the proposed policy mix for the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora process. Document 6551310
River iwi 2015. Outcome statement and principles for implementing Te Ture Whaimana - the Vision and Strategy for the Waikato and Waipa Rivers CSG workshop 14 10-11 Aug 2015. Doc 3483800
River iwi 2016. Provision for the development of Maori land within the framework of Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato and Healthy Rivers Plan For Change Wai Ora He Rautaki Whakapaipai
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Cover memo for legal opinion. For Maori land sub-group 11 April 2016. Dated 7 April 2016. Document 3761666
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Defining Maori Land Report to the Collaborative Stakeholder Group - for Information dated 20-1-2016. Document 3652739
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Development of discussion amongst Collaborative Stakeholder Group regarding Maori land. Memo. Document 6224488
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Draft livestock exclusion rule for sector engagement in February 2016. Report to the CSG for agreement and approval dated 19-1-2016. Document 3651049
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Drafting outcomes objectives and policies. For Maori land sub-group 11 April 2016. Dated 7-4-2016. Document 3753373
Waikato Regional Council 2016. New wording of provisions and options for activity class. For Maori land sub-group 19 April 2016. Dated 15-4-2016. Document 3767585
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Policy options for discussion by Maori land sub-group. For Maori land sub-group 11 April 2016. Dated 30 March. Document 3724784
Waikato Regional Council 2016. Resource for Maori land sub-group Relevant policy and legislation. For Maori land sub-group 15-3-2016. Document 3718075
Waikato Regional Council 2016 Report to the CSG- Maori Land Subgroup - Update from meetings 3 and 4 dated 21-4-2016. Document 3771967
WRC 2015. Extent of Maori owned land within the Healthy Rivers sub-catchments and current land-use categoreies. Report to the CSG for information dated 17-11-2015. Document 3609413
WRC 2016. Sections of RMA - Functions of council purpose of Regional Plans and matters to be considered by regional councils when making plans. For Maori land subgroup. Doc 3723111