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2021/22 Annual Report | Pūrongo-ā-Tau

PS 2023/02

We love where we live and we’re committed to making the Waikato even better, both for those here now and the generations to come.

Image - Annual report 2021 2022 cover You can see the progress we’re making in our 2021/22 Annual Report | Pūrongo-ā-Tau. This is our statement to the community about our finances and our service performance from 1 July to 30 June.

Councillors adopted the 2021/22 Annual Report and Annual Report Summary on 29 June 2023. Our councillors were particularly mindful of the financial pressures that continued to mount for our communities, driven by forces beyond the control of local government, but remained committed to investing for the future, particularly in essential areas like regional resilience.

This annual report was originally due to be published no later than 31 December 2022, in line with the statutory time frame set out in the Local Government Act 2002. However, this timeframe was not met because Audit New Zealand (our external auditors) were unable to complete the audit within this timeframe. This was due to an national auditor shortage and the consequential effects of COVID-19, including lockdowns.



Section 1: E pā ana ki tō kaunihera | About your council

A te tiamana me te tumu whakarae | Message from the chairperson and chief

Tō tātou rohe | Your region

Kaupapa kore pūtea | Unfunded mandates  

Section 2: Ngā whakatutukitanga | Our performance

Ngā putanga ā-hapori | Community outcomes

He taiao Mauriora | Healthy environment

He ōhanga pakari | Strong economy

He hapori hihiri | Vibrant communities

Te Ture Whaimana o te Awa o | Waikato Vision and Strategy for the Waikato River

Te whakaāheitia o Ngāi Māori | Facilitating Māori participation


Section 3: Ko te hohonutanga ō ā tātou mahi | Our activities in depth  

Ko ngā mahi-ā-rōpū | Groups of activities

Kiritaki, hapori, me ngā ratonga | Customer, community and services

Te Rākau Whakamarumaru o Waikato Rohe | Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management

Ngā mahi hei ārai, hei ārahi hoki i ngā waipuke | Flood protection and control works

Te whakahaere ā- tōpū i te rauwiringa wai | Integrated catchment management

Mōreatanga ā rohe me te whakarata ohotata | Regional hazards and emergency response

Ngā ara hono ā-rohe | Regional transport connections

Te whakamahinga o te taiao | Resource use

Pūtaiao, kaupapahere, me te mōhiohio | Science, policy and information


Section 4: Pūtea | Finances

Tauākī ahumoni | Financial statements

Mō ngā rerekētanga matua ki te tahua | Explanation of major variances against budget

Ngā pitopito tuhinga mō ngā tauākī ahumoni | Notes to the financial statements

Ngā tahua ā-wāhanga | Group of activity funding impact statements

Te tāhura ā ahumoni me ngā ritenga matawhāit | Financial reporting and prudence regulations  

Section 5: Ko ētehi atu kōrero/mea | Supplementary material

Te tāhura mō te Ture Rapu me te Tūteinga | Search and Surveillance Act reporting

Ngā rōpū e whai mana ai Te Kaunihera | Council controlled organisations

Section 5: Arotake | Audit opinion