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Waikato Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) 2021-2051

PS 2020/22

Image - cover of RLTP document The 2021 Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) has been developed for the region by the Waikato Regional Transport Committee, and sets out how we intend to develop the region’s land transport system over the next 30 years. It also identifies proposed regional transport activities for investment (local and central government) over the next six years.

The plan’s scope includes policy and activities related to our roading maintenance and improvements, public transport services and infrastructure, walking and cycling infrastructure, road safety education and transport planning across the region.

The plan focuses on the region’s key transport problems and priorities over the next three years and how we will position the region to contribute to national objectives for a land transport system that is effective, efficient, safe and in the public interest.

Read the RLTP below.

Chairman's foreword and Executive Summary

Chairman's foreword | Wāhinga kōrero a te Heamanai

Executive Summary

Section 1: Introducing the Waikato Regional Land Transport Plan | Whakataki kōrero mō te Mahere Waka ā-Rohe o Waikato

Purpose of the RLTP

The region's strategic approach for land transport

Key drivers shaping RLTP 2021

What RLTP 2021 is trying to achieve

How to navigate RLTP 2021

Section 2: Transport today in the Waikato region | Tūmomo waka ki te rohe o Waikato

A snapshot of our region

Our regional land transport system

Our role in the Upper North Island

Section 3: Our key transport issues | Ngā tino take ā-waka


Our key transport problems

The issue of population and land use growth on our strategic transport corridors

The impact of freight growth on our strategic transport corridors

The impact of climate change on route security and resilience

The issue of road safety

The challenge of providing better transport options for access and mobility

Transport's role in the climate change issue

Other key issues/challenges

Section 4: Regional policy framework | Te pou tarāwaho kaupapa here ā-rohe


Summary of regional transport priorities

Strategic corridors and economic development template

Road safety template

Access and mobility template

Climate change and environmental sustainability underpinning objective template

Integrated land use and transport planning underpinning objective template

Section 5: Regional programme of transport activities | Hōtaka ā-rohe mō ngā mahinga waka


Programme of activities for our region

Regionally significant activities

Inter-regionally significant activities

Significant transport activities for our region to be funded outside of the NLTF

Section 6: Funding | Pūtea hāpai


Revenue from the National Land Transport Fund

Funding impacts on this RLTP

Other sources of revenue

10-year forecast of revenue and expenditure

Section 7: Monitoring the Regional Land Transport Plan | Te aroturuki i te Mahere Waka ā-Rohe


Monitoring framework for the Plan

Monitoring report cards

Appendices and glossary

Appendix 1 - Legislative alignment with the Land Transport Management Act 2003

Appendix 2 - Process for developing RLTP 2021

Appendix 3 - Contributing strategic policy and planning documents

Appendix 4 - Significance Policy

Appendix 5 - Method for prioritising significant transport activities

Appendix 6 - Transport activity class tables

Appendix 7 - Significant transport activities table

Appendix 8 - RTC advocacy for other transport activities to be brought into the Waka Kotahi Investment Proposal 2021-31

Glossary of commonly used terms and acronyms | Papakupu