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Nitrogen and phosphorus losses from 'average' Waikato farms to waterways as affected by best or potential management practices

TR 2006/37

Report: TR 2006/37

Author: Stewart Ledgard and Ian Power (AgResearch Limited)


As part of a broad scoping exercise on the potential for reducing nutrient loads in the catchments of the shallow lakes within the Waikato Region, Environment Waikato required estimates of nitrogen (N) leaching and phosphorus (P) runoff (kg/ha/yr) from typical dairy and sheep & beef farms within the region. These estimates were made using the OVERSEER® nutrient budget program with particular emphasis on the Waikato River floodplain where many of the small lakes are located. Yields of N and P were estimated for the current “average” system, best management practice and potential mitigation practices for the two farm types. The OVERSEER® nutrient budget program (version was used for these calculations.

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses from 'Average' Waikato Farms to Waterways as affected by Best or Potential Management Practices [PDF, 102 KB]