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Identification of High Value Rivers and Streams in the Waikato Region: Final report

TR 2009/05

Report: TR 2009/05 

Author: John Leathwick, Kathryn Julian (NIWA Ltd)


A range of information and analyses were compiled to describe river and stream conservation value in the Waikato region for Waikato Regional Council staff to use in the identification of Significant Natural Areas (SNAs). Specific components include:

    1. Data describing the distributions of Freshwater Environments of New Zealand (FWENZ) classification groups were analysed using the site selection software, Zonation, to identify sets of sites that would provide maximum conservation outcomes at minimum cost. Rivers and streams were grouped into planning units, based around 3rd order catchments or sub-catchments. Rankings for each planning unit were calculated using an approach that takes account of the need for representative protection of a full range of ecosystem types, while allowing for both human impacts and requirements for upstream-downstream connectivity between planning units in larger rivers and streams. Rankings were also calculated taking account of current protected areas to identify those planning units that would best complement areas that are already formally protected.

    1. A parallel set of analyses using Zonation were performed on data describing the expected probability of capture of seventeen native fish species, as predicted from species distribution models.

    1. Results from a separate analysis of national conservation rankings performed for the Department of Conservation at a national scale using FWENZ data and Zonation were summarised for each planning unit occurring within the Waikato Region.

  1. Information describing the distributions of rare or threatened freshwater species (longfin eel, giant kokopu, shortjaw kokopu, lamprey, koura, blue duck, Hochstetter’s frog) within the Waikato region were assembled from a variety of sources and summarised. This information was used to identify those planning units likely to support rare or threatened species.

Results are provided as spatial data for use by Waikato Regional Council staff in the identification of Significant Natural Areas.

Identification of High Value Rivers and Streams in the Waikato Region: Final report [PDF, 734 KB]