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Geothermal features annual monitoring report, June 2010

TR 2010/30

Report: TR 2010/30
Author: Juliet Newson


Monitoring reported here is undertaken for the Waikato Regional Council for the purpose of monitoring the natural geothermal features of the Waikato Region that are associated with high temperature geothermal systems. The brief is to report on the geothermal surface manifestations in the geothermal
areas listed below, and specifically to be alert to any changes, whether human‐induced or natural, and to advise of any potential threat to these features.

Geothermal features annual monitoring report, June 2010 [PDF, 1.2 MB]

1 Outline 1
2 Atiamuri 3
3 Golden springs 5
4 Horohoro 7
5 Mokai 8
6 Ngatamariki 15
7 Orakeikorako 18
8 Reporoa 28
9 Tauhara 30
10 Te Kopia 33
11 Tokaanu 37
12 Waikite 51
13 Waiotapu 57