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Recycled Materials in Civil Works and Energy Efficient Street Lighting: A Review of Waikato Territorial Authorities’ Procurement Practices

TR 2010/35

Report: TR 2010/35
Author: Nadine Wakim, Waste Not Consulting Ltd


In June 2009, Waikato Regional Council  commissioned Waste Not Consulting to research the procurement practices of territorial authorities’ (TAs) in the Waikato region, specifically in relation to council civil works. The purpose of the research was to investigate whether current TA policies and processes are stimulating, or could be used to stimulate, the use of four specific recycled materials in council civil works (i.e. crushed concrete, composts/mulches, crushed glass, recycled timber). This research followed on from a recommendation made in a strategic review of waste flows and infrastructure in the Waikato conducted by SKM in 2007 . The project also investigated procurement policies and practices relating to the use of energy efficient street lighting technologies.

The purpose of the project was to investigate how Environment Waikato and the region’s TAs can better drive waste minimisation and local economic development from within their own organisations by using recycled materials in civil works projects (e.g. roading, water services, parks and reserves and building services). An additional goal was to investigate opportunities for Waikato TAs to achieve greater energy efficiency through improving street lighting design and technology.

Recycled Materials in Civil Works and Energy Efficient Street Lighting:  A Review of Waikato Territorial Authorities’ Procurement Practices [PDF, 1 MB]

  Executive Summary 1
1 Project background and objectives 5
1.1 Background 5
1.2 Objectives 6
1.3 Terminology 6
1.4 Report structure 7
2 Project Methodology 8
2.1 Background research 8
2.2 Face to face interviews and surveys 9
2.3 Data analysis and surveys 9
3 Local government context 10
3.1 Using recycled materials in civil works. 10
3.2 Council policies, strategies and plans. 11
3.3 Council Land development standards and guidelines. 11
3.4 Examples of NZ local authority procurement practices for civil works 13
3.4.1 Palmerston North 13
3.4.2 Christchurch City Council 13
3.4.3 North Shore City Council and Waikatere City Council 15
3.4.4 Further examples from local governments in NZ 16
4 Recycled materials in civil works 18
4.1 Quantities of four key waste materials in the Waikato 18
4.2 Crushed concrete 20
4.2.1 Description and uses 20
4.2.2 Demand in civil works 20
4.2.3 Key literature and resources 21
4.3 Processed organic wastes 23
4.3.1 Description and uses 23
4.3.2 Demand in civil works 23
4.4 Crushed glass 24
4.4.1 Description and uses 24
4.4.2 Demand in civil works 25
4.5 Recycled timber 26
5 Energy-efficient street lighting 28
5.1 Introduction 28
5.2 Background information 28
5.3 Role of the electricity commission 30
5.4 Energy-efficient street lighting project electricity commission 30
6 Survey results 32
6.1 Introduction 32
6.2 Procurement and sustainability policies 32
6.3 Existing uses for recycled materials in civil works 33
6.4 Potential for future use of recycled materials in civil works 34
6.4.1 Drivers, barriers and future initiatives 36
6.5 Tender processes and standard specifications 38
6.6 Quantity and cost data 39
6.6.1 Waste and recycling quantity data 39
6.6.2 Quantity data for compost and aggregate use 40
6.6.3 Cost data 40
6.7 Street lighting 41
6.8 Proposed role for Environment Waikato 42
7 Feedback from contractors and suppliers 44
7.1 Contractors 44
7.2 Concrete and aggregate manufacturers and suppliers 45
8 Summary and conclusions 47
9 Recommendations 49
9.1 Recycled materials in civil works 49
9.2 Energy-efficient street lighting 53
  References 54
Appendix A TA Survey 56
Appendix B NZWASTE and WASTEMINZ notices 57
Appendix C Street lighting proposal 58