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Significance of Arsenic in Sediments of Lake Rotoroa (Hamilton Lake)

TR 2011/18

Report: TR 2011/18
Author: Pattle Delamore Partners Ltd


Pattle Delamore Partners Limited (PDP) were commissioned to assist with the evaluation of the significance of arsenic in the sediment of Lake Rotoroa (Hamilton Lake), in Hamilton city. 

Although this report focuses mainly on the significance of arsenic within the sediments of the lake, the concentrations of a number of other elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, P, Pb and Zn) were also measured in the sediment and overlaying waters.  The results of all of these elements are presented in this report together with an assessment of the environmental significance of the elements, the method of deposition of the elements and the relationship of the lake chemistry to the chemistry of other lakes in the Waikato region. 

Significance of Arsenic in Sediments of Lake Rotoroa (Hamilton Lake) [PDF, 3.4 MB]