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Habitat mapping for the Waikato region coastal marine area: Bathymetry and substrate type

TR 2017/34

Report: TR2017/34

Authors: Sarah Gardiner (MetOcean Solutions) and Hannah Jones (Waikato Regional Council)


Effective management of coastal resources relies on an understanding of the state of, and the impact of pressures on, the coastal marine area. This includes an understanding of the extent and condition of seabed habitat. Waikato Regional Council (WRC) is responsible for managing the coastal marine area (CMA) that extends from Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) to 12 nautical miles offshore. Habitats range from sheltered shallow estuaries to dynamic open coast beaches, intertidal and subtidal rocky reefs, and deeper water offshore marine environments.

We have summarised the state of knowledge of the extent of seabed habitats within the Hauraki Gulf and the comparatively sparsely studied Waikato west coast, to provide a single habitat and bathymetry resource for the entire Waikato region CMA. This report also identifies data gaps, and is intended to be used to identify areas that may be ecologically significant, and prioritise future data collection.