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Economic Impacts of the Healthy Rivers Initiative - Freshwater Management Unit, Regional and National Assessment

TR 2018/48

Report: TR 2018/48

Author: Market Economics Limited

About this report

This report was commissioned by the Technical Leaders Group for the Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Project Report No. HR/TLG/2015-2016/5.1

To limit the deterioration of the water quality in Waikato River, limit setting initiatives are currently being investigated by Waikato Regional Council under the Wai Ora Healthy Rivers initiative. While no explicit targets have been set, the Healthy Rivers initiative is currently focused on understanding the implications of a range of plausible scenarios.

Read or download the report

Economic Impacts of the Healthy Rivers Initiative - Freshwater Management Unit, Regional and National Assessment [PDF, 1.4 MB]  

1 Introduction
2 Background
2.1 Selection of an appropriate modelling framework
2.2 An introduction to input-output analysis
3 Method
3.1 Overview of impacts assessed
3.2 Incorporation of the scenarios within the modelling framework
4 References