Earthworks industry workshops and training
Waikato Regional Council offers workshop training opportunities for the earthworks industry.

Graeme Ridley - Ridley Dunphy Environmental
Our facilitator
Graeme Ridley has spent his career working on all aspects of construction water management (erosion and sediment control), stormwater management and project management for both councils and the development community. He has a significant and wide-ranging resource management experience.
Graeme formerly held roles at Auckland Council, as manager of stormwater and sediment and manager of their consent/compliance team. He was also a director of the International Erosion Control Association (Australasia). Graeme is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (IECA qualification), with this qualification confirming his experience in this field.
Erosion and Sediment Control 1
Best Practice methods in earthworks and obligations under resource consents (Practical)
A one-day workshop with a practical focus on constructing erosion and sediment controls. This workshop covers best practice erosion and sediment control methods in accordance with the Waikato Regional Council's Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines, Waikato Regional Plan requirements and legal obligations under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). This workshop also includes a visit to a working site to view controls in the field.
Erosion and Sediment Control 2
Preparing E&SC plans and applications for earthworks consents (Planning)
A one-day advanced workshop with a practical focus for preparing erosion and sediment control plans and tips to assist with preparing land use resource consent applications. This workshop will cover the Waikato Regional Plan's rules relating to soil disturbance activities and will include practical exercises in preparing an erosion and sediment control plan and site risk analysis.
Prerequisite to this workshop: Participants must have previously attended the PRACTICAL erosion and sediment control workshop or the previous two-day planning erosion and sediment control workshop.
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