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Environmental education activities

Access online activities and resources to support learning at school and at home. 

These resources can be modified and adopted to suit the needs and age of the students. Some reference Enviroschools resources which are only available to schools participating in the Enivroschools programme.

To access Enviroschools, or if you are interested in becoming an Enviroschool, please visit their website. 

Enviroschools for the Waikato region

Backyard ecosystems

These activities help students to explore nature around them. Activities are written with a home context but can be adopted for a school environment.

Health and Wellbeing

Activities to explore and grow our health and wellbeing.


Activites to explore sustainable practices around grwoing, creating and consuming kai.


Activites to explore the concept of sustainability.


Activities to explore our precious resource of water.

Zero waste

Activities to explore the concept of waste and our desire to reduce it.