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Tauranga Taupo - service level review report

TR 2018/22

Report: TR 2018/22

Author: Tonkin+Taylor

About this report

This report provides a service level review for the Tauranga Taupo Flood Protection Scheme. The scheme provides flood control to the communities and assets situated within the floodplain at Oruatua and Te Rangiita. As the Tauranga Taupo is a dynamic river with a highly mobile sediment load, service level reviews are to be scheduled every 5 years to ensure the scheme is providing the agreed level of protection to the community. This is the first service level review for the scheme.

Read or download the report

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report [PDF, 3.4 MB]

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report - Appendix A [PDF, 978 KB]

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report - Appendix B [PDF, 1.4 MB]

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report - Appendix C [PDF, 598 KB]

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report - Appendix D [PDF, 2.3 MB]

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report - Appendix E [PDF, 2.8 MB]

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report - Appendix F [PDF, 466 KB]

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report - Appendix G [PDF, 1.8 MB]

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report - Appendix H [PDF, 1.8 MB]

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report - Appendix I [PDF, 1.5 MB]

Tauranga Taupo - service level review report - Addendum [PDF, 813 KB]

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Background
1.3 Catchment description
1.4 Flood protection scheme and existing design
1.4.1 Scheme assets
1.4.2 Design hydrology
1.4.3 Design level of service
2 2017 Assessment of Hydrology and hydraulics
2.1 Previous service level reviews and outcome
2.2 Hydrology
2.2.1 Gauges
2.2.2 Peak flows and hydrographs for events up to the 2% AEP 
2.2.3 Peak flows and hydrographs for the 1% AEP and 1% AEP with climate change 
2.2.4 Comparison of the design and 2017 analysis
2.2.5 Recent floods 
2.3 Hydraulic modelling 
2.3.1 Model type
2.3.2 Survey data 
2.3.3 Datum
2.3.4 Model assumptions
2.3.5 Boundary conditions
2.3.6 Roughness
2.3.7 Structures
2.4 Calibration event 
2.5 Design events
3 Assessment of level of service
3.1 Performance grades 
3.2 Stopbank performance based on water level
3.2.1 Heuheu Parade Stopbank
3.2.2 Eastern Stopbank
3.2.3 Western Stopbank
3.2.4 Maniapoto’s Bend Bed Control Structure and Kiko and Manaipoto Spillways
3.2.5 Kiko Culverts
3.2.6 Quarry Closure
3.3 Overall scheme performance based on discharge
3.4 Velocity
4 Analysis of channel survey data
5 Aerial photography and site visit observation
5.1 Quarry Closure Bank
5.2 Maniapoto’s Bend
5.3 Western Stopbank
5.3.1 Stopbank
5.3.2 Channel
5.4 Eastern Stopbank and Heuheu Parade
6 Summary/Conclusions 
6.1 Hydrology
6.2 Scheme performance and channel hydraulics
7 Recommendations
7.1 Hydrology
7.2 Recommendations to improve Scheme performance and channel hydraulics
8 Applicability