Kaupapa Parakore ki runga marae Reduce waste on the marae
He haepapa ō tātou katoa hei kaitiaki mō Papatūānuku, kia tiakina te mauri o te whenua, o te wai, o ngā wāhi tapu, me ngā taonga katoa, mā te kaupapa parakore.
Kia whakaaweawetia tō marae
He tōpūtanga a Para Kore e whakaakotia ana, ā, e hāpaitia nei ngā mātauranga o te ao Māori, mō te kaupapa parakore.
Ka whakahaeretia e rātou he hōtaka parakore, kua tapaina nei ki te ingoa, Oranga Taiao. Ka aro tēnei hōtaka ki ngā mahi parakore, ā, kia whakakahangia te hononga-ā-tangata ki a Papatūānuku rāua ko Ranginui.
Mā te mātauranga Māori hei taunaki atu i ngā mātāpono o tēnei mea te ōhanga āmiomio. Mā ngā akoranga o te whakakore haere i ngā parapara, te whakahaere tika i ngā parapara kia kore ai e uru ki a Papa, me te āta mahinga o ngā kiri hou e ea ai tēnei hōtaka.
Ara noa atu ngā hōtaka nā rātou, pēnei i ngā whakaaturanga, wānanga ki runga marae, wānanga ipurangi, wānanga kanohi-ki-te-kanohi, awheahwe, kaiārahitanga, hōtaka tautoko me ngā rauemi hāpai. Tirohia tā rātou kiriata hei ako anō i ā rātou mahi kaitiaki nei, mā tō rātou whārangi.
We all have a role to play, as kaitiaki, in looking after Papatūānuku, protecting the mauri of the whenua and wai, and safeguarding wāhi tapu and taonga by reducing waste.
Make a difference on your marae
Para Kore is an organisation that exists to educate and advocate, from a Māori worldview, for a world without waste.
They deliver a te ao Māori-based, zero-waste education programme called Oranga Taiao. This programme aims to design out waste and strengthen connections to Papatūānuku and Ranginui.
Drawing on mātauranga Māori, they aim to support and encourage mahi that aligns with the principles of ōhanga āmiomio (circular economy) by eliminating waste in the planning process, sorting waste so less goes to landfill and educating whānau to reduce plastic use.
They offer education and training on marae that includes presentations, wānanga, practical workshops, online learning, mentoring, facilitated support, physical resources and more. Watch the video to find out more about their mahi, or check out their website.
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